Today's Deal


Today while I was out and about I decided to try my luck on using the $3/1 Snuggle MQ's that I got from eBay, I had 20. I stopped in at the Family Dollar and luckily for me they had the 70ct sheets on sale for $3! So, I bought everyone that they had! They only had 8 boxes on the shelf which was fine with me, I will get more later, but I came out of there with 8 FREE boxes of Snuggle and only paid $2.16 oop for tax! I must say that this was a great find! I will be hitting up Target tomorrow to work a few deals and may try to use the rest (12) coupons that I have for the snuggle before it expires! All I need now is for the Lysol soap dispensers to go down in price just a couple of $$ so I can score a few more of those! I have 10 $5/1 coupons! I think I have become addicted to the couponing thing!!!

Hot Deals


These are some great deals at Target thanks to Couponing to Disney's blog! 86_items,_7_that_are_FREE!!!!

GE Energy Light Bulbs, $2.99
Use $1/1_coupon_HERE!   

Stack both together and the item rings up FREE!!!!  
I took my weekly trip to publix yesterday and got a lot of groceries for only $42.95 after tax! There were some great buys this week! I am so excited because I am finally able to buy afordable groceries and health/beauty supplies for my family that are quality products! No longer do I have to buy the store brand or only what is on clearance! I can now purchase the name brands that I enjoy, often for less than the generic brand all by using coupons and shopping sale items! I LOVE PUBLIX!! Not just because of the sale items but because of how nice and helpful their employees are! The store is clean and they will even take your groceries out for you and unload your buggy! I love the fact that the employees make you feel like they want you in their store and not not you HAVE to be there! I have NOT been back to walmart but 1 time since I have started couponing. The only time I went in was to buy the AllYou magazine because it has great coupons and is only sold at walmart. Even though it takes me a little while to get to Publix I would still rather go there then to a store that does not appreciate my business! I also have learned to make lists and stick with what I am going to purchase. I actually enjoy grocery shopping now instead of it feeling like a chore. I go while the kids are in school and I have that time to use as just "ME" time! I hope that you will become to love the ast of couponing that I have!!!

Target today!


Well, I gad to go to Gulf Shores today to take Justin to the Orhto because his wire on his braces broke. Normally we use the Robertsdale office but they are only there on Fridays. So while I was out I decided to stop at Target and see what deals I could find. I did pretty good I think. Here is what I got for $2.84 before tax!
1 Airwick iMotion Starter kit
1 Bottle of 7th Generation Cleaner
2 Boxes 70 count band-aids
1 travel size Tide
1 travel size shout wiped
1 Reg tube Crest for kids.
I used these coupons:
1$4/1 MQ Airwick iMotion Starter kit
1$2/1 Target Q Airwick
2 $1.00/1 Target Q Bandaids
1 $1/1 Any size tide
1 $0.50/1 crest
1 $1/1 Target Q kids crest
1 $0.45 Shout any size

Total Savings over $20.00!!!!
You can find all Publix matchups here.  This is a link to IHeartPublix. She has LOTS of good ideas and links on her page!  This is one of my favorite sites! I use this page to make my list and find the coupons that I need.
Ok, So I have seen the preview for Sunday's inserts. Looks like there is only going to be 1 Proctor Gamble insert. You can see for yourself  here.

Today is my first blog and I wanted to let everyone know that I am so excited about starting this blog! I think that it will help so many people! I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on how the coupons are coming out and what hot deals are going on! I know that there a few good ones out there right now! The main one that I got exited about is the Rite Aid $5/$25!! you can find this here  under zipcode 95677. Click on View All Deals. There is also a $3.00 off any size huggies coupon. I will link more later.

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